182 N Port Road, Unit 3
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 0B7
App Support: 1-888-512-7173
Office: (905) 831-7001 / (888) 862-5356
Fax: (905) 831-7443 / (866) 885-1583
E-Mail: sales@lev-co.com

Industrial Ventilation Solutions

Commercial Ventilation Systems

American National Standards Local Exhaust Ventilation Canadian Cooupational Health & Safety Local Exhaust Ventilation Ontario Ministry of Labour Exhaust & Ventilation Sheet Metal & Air Con Local Exhaust Ventilation USA Department of Labour-Local Exhaust Ventilation Stanford Environmental Health & Safety Local Exhaust Ventilation Occupational Safety & Health Local Exhaust Ventilation Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Local Exhaust Ventilation Int'l Assoc of Plumbing & Mechanical Local Exhaust Ventilation Centers for Desease Control & Prevention Local Exhaust Ventilation Industrial Local Exhaust Ventilation Occupational and Environmental Health Local Exhaust Ventilation Occupational Hydiene Association of Ontario