182 N Port Road, Unit 3
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 0B7
App Support: 1-888-512-7173
Office: (905) 831-7001 / (888) 862-5356
Fax: (905) 831-7443 / (866) 885-1583
E-Mail: sales@lev-co.com
Articulating Crane Drops
Ideal for large bays typical in DOT, Military and heavy equipment service shops, these Articulating Crane Drops cover a extensive working range without interfering with obstacles such as overhead or Jib cranes. These systems are available in a multitude of hose diameters starting from 3" and going all the way up to 12" in diameter. In addition to the vast range of hose diameters, these systems also are available in different temperature ratings suitable for even the most extreme exhaust conditions such as dynamometers were temperatures can exceed 1500 degrees F.