182 N Port Road, Unit 3
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 0B7
App Support: 1-888-512-7173
Office: (905) 831-7001 / (888) 862-5356
Fax: (905) 831-7443 / (866) 885-1583
E-Mail: sales@lev-co.com
Icon for Processes

3D Printing - Engineering Control Methods

In the process of 3D printing, plastic, or other material, is heated up to a melting point, causing the material to off-gas, which releases harmful chemicals into the surrounding airspace. Some of these materials are harmful to ingest, harmful to come into contact with, and some materials are highly flammable.

To limit the health risks associated with 3D printing, and to keep the workplace safe, a properly configured extraction ventilation system is paramount.

Below is a complete list of engineering control methods for 3D printing.

For further support, please contact us directly at 1-888-862-5356.

Ambient Air Cleaners
Animated Diagram for Ambient Air Cleaners
Ducted Air Cleaners
Animated Diagram for Ducted Air Cleaners