182 N Port Road, Unit 3
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 0B7
App Support: 1-888-512-7173
Office: (905) 831-7001 / (888) 862-5356
Fax: (905) 831-7443 / (866) 885-1583
E-Mail: sales@lev-co.com
Icon for Processes

Clothing Assembly Line - Engineering Control Methods

In the clothing assembly line, airborne fibers and chemicals are produced, which when inhaled, cause respiratory issues, and general long-term health problems. Proper ventilation prevents hazard to workers, and makes the workplace environment safer.
For a complete list of engineering control methods, see the list below

For further support, please contact us directly at 1-888-862-5356.

Ambient Air Cleaners
Animated Diagram for Ambient Air Cleaners
Ducted Air Cleaners
Animated Diagram for Ducted Air Cleaners