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DCB Ductless Spray Booth 1400 CFM

The 'DSB' Ductless Spray Booth series downdraft tables are designed to be a dual purpose work station and filtration solution for aerosol fumes, other airborne gases, and odors. These tables draw contaminants away from workers’ breathing zone without hindering movement.


The DSB is equipped with a washable main filter which filters out any particulate, a secondary activated carbon filter and an optional third stage filter for a variety of adsorption medias.
Additionally, the DSB provides a durable (¼”) steel plate work surface (36” x 24”)
Also included are (2) – 2L trays located directly under the ventilation intake which allows for the collection of accidental spills.
Applications include spray painting with spray balms or air brushes, gluing, open cans of paint, and more.
All contaminated air is filtered and returned to the facility.


These pre-engineered, ‘’Plug and Play’’ downdraft tables come complete with the following:
  • Fan Capacity: MAX 1400 CFM (will change depending on filter selection)
  • Washable main filter cartridge, 99.9 % efficient
  • 2nd stage activated carbon filter
  • Direct drive fan coupled with Non-Sparking Aluminum Impeller
  • 1.5 HP (1.1 KW) 120V/1/60 TEFC Direct Drive motor
  • ’Plug and Play’ Design includes easy maneuverable wheels, motor starter, overload protection, 12’ cord, and plug)
  • Flow Controller allows the flow rate to be reduced in flow sensitive applications
  • Internal dust and liquid spill drawer/tray
  • 1/4" steel plate work surface 36” x 24” (900 x 600 mm)
  • Working booth design with back and side walls
  • Low height design that can be easily raised to suit almost every working height
  • Easy to maneuver and roll into position

Shipping Dimensions and Weight:

Main System Part # Height x Width x Depth Weight
P-578-V2 53"H x 31.5"W x 47"D 260 lbs

Suitable For:

Top 5 contaminants/processes/applications:

  • Spray Balms
  • Air Brushes
  • Gluing
  • Open Cans of Paint
Don't see your contaminants? Give us a call at 1-888-862-5356 or email us at sales@lev-co.com!

IMPORTANT: For your Health and Safety, make sure to talk to an application engineer before purchasing.
Part # Qty Description
P-578-V2 Sledgehammer Downdraft Table for V.O.C.'s solvents & vapours.
  • 1/4" sheet steel table top surface - suitable for heavy duty applications, eg. Engine Parts
  • Booth enclosure - (2) sides, (1) back, (1) top to improve flow rate
  • 1" welded pre-filter grates to ensure that large particles don't get sucked into the filter section
  • Liquid catch-all basin/drawer - these are ideal for catching spills up to 4L
  • Deep bed multi-stage absorption filter with integrated washable 0.5 micron main filter, carbon filter, and de-dusting filter - This filter combination allows for pre-filtration of any particulate, long filter life of carbon (because it sees no dust) and de-dusting filter to capture any carbon fines
  • Fire proof, all steel construction for long lifespan
  • Comes with casters, easy to maneuver
  • 15' power cord, switch with motor overload, and ESA approvals for simple and safe operations

Frequently bought together these options:

Part # Qty Description
WFSC-1.5HP-115-230/1/60 Motor upgrade to 1.5HP @ 115V-230/1/60Hz.
WFSC-1.5HP-230-460 Motor upgrade to 1.5HP @ 230-460V/3/60.
Part # Qty Description
P-578-CF-EXT Exhaust port for underside of the SLEDGEHAMMER portable down draft table.
  • Vents air out the back of the unit to avoid workers breathing zone by diluting the air
P-578-DR (2) Sledgehammer V-Drawers.
L-580 (4) legs instead of casters.
OM-1000-LEGS-EXT (4) extension legs for P-260, P261 Nomex 2000 & 4000 filter units.
  • Height: 500mm / (4) pieces
OM-400-LEGS (4) legs (or P-588, P-590, P-592, P-594 Nomex 400 & 600 filter units.
  • Height: 8" (200mm) / (4) pieces
OM-600-LEGS (4) legs for P-588, P-590, P-592, P-594 Nomex 400 & 600 filter units.
  • Height: 16" (400mm) / (4) pieces
P-579 (4) wheels for P-578 Sledgehammer.
P-CASTER-UPGRADE Upgrade caster kit for Sledgehammer, Roll flex, & ICA units. Includes:
  • (2) swivel caster with brakes
  • (2) no swivel casters
Part # Qty Description
LED-Bar 2' LED Bar for paint spray booth, complete with switch & plug. Installation by others - 12V. 24W 2A
Part # Qty Description
CF-45 Activated charcoal filter cartridge (filled with approx. 25 lbs. of activated charcoal).
CF-45-LAB Assembly of 12" (300mm) activated charcoal holder by southern supplies.
CF-45-REP-MEDIA Replacement Filter material & activated charcoal adsorber.
Filter-Wrap-Around Filter Wrap Around for 12" (300mm) deep carbon filter
P-004-WFC-12 Combo Filter. Spun bond polyester Pre-filter and Deep Bed activated carbon (holds approx. 15 lbs.) 11.5" (290mm) deep.
P-004-WFC-12-EXT Combo Filter. Spun bond polyester pre-filter and deep bed activated carbon (holds approx. 15 lbs.) 11.5" (290mm) deep.
  • WITH external pre-filter wrapped on the outside of the filter
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