182 N Port Road, Unit 3
Port Perry, Ontario L9L 0B7
App Support: 1-888-512-7173
Office: (905) 831-7001 / (888) 862-5356
Fax: (905) 831-7443 / (866) 885-1583
E-Mail: sales@lev-co.com
Icon for Processes

Mortar/Plaster Mixer - Engineering Control Methods

In the process of making mortars and plaster mixtures, harmful airborne contaminants are generated, such as crystalline silica and calcium oxide. When these chemicals are inhaled, they can cause serious short and long-term health problems. Controlling the spread of these contaminants is very important to maintaining a safe work environment. For legal requirements refer to The CDC

See below for a complete list of engineering control methods.

For further support, please contact us directly at 1-888-862-5356.

Portable Filter Units
Animated Diagram for Portable Filter Units